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Oil Paintings


Artist Reviews

“... expresses a dauntless sense of experience – something that helps us relate to our common vulnerability...”

Kathleen Managhan


Whitney Museum of American Art


“Primal, aggressive, compelling and evocative...”

Walter Hnatysh

Guest Curator

Schmidt Center for the Arts

Florida Atlantic University


“... the rigor of ideas and depth of feeling that have driven the artists conception...”

Hugh Davies

Director of San Diego

Museum of Contemporary Art


“... the artist's desire for personal expression create compelling works of art worthy of close scrutiny...”

Tom E. Hinson

Curator of Contemporary Art

The Cleveland Museum of Art


“These pieces are introspective... baffling, intriguing and well constructed...”

Gary Schwan

Staff Writer

Palm Beach Post


“... possess a barbed visual intensity... tough, brutalized vision of tormented figures and brooding tonalities...”

Roger Hurlburt

Art Writer

Sun Sentinel

Visual Arts Students

Florida Atlantic University


“The images are striking, vivid and strong. They are both powerful and imprisoned, moving and still, forceful yet controlled... direct and haunting... a visualization of the more emotional and spiritual aspects.”

Tiffany Grantham


“Primal appeal... clandestine imagery”

Lauren Murphy


“Expressionistic, a strong subjective feeling and intense moodiness...”

Mary Pat Borousse


“These images are often tormented... the spectator is able to feel the pain and sympathize, thereby becoming involved in a very real way. They are loose and free but maintain a degree of extreme emotion and interest conveying a powerful message about life.”

Laraine Ward

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